You might have just gotten into the sleep consulting business, or maybe you have been there a while.. but either way, it's hard to spend money on graphics, right? Especially when you think you can DIY your website or throw a logo together because you think it'll be "good enough." Well... when I'm bringing someone into my family to help my child's sleep, my first thought is never "good enough." I want whoever is giving me advice about my child to be the best. So wouldn't you want your best to be represented in your business?
Building a brand identity for your business is imperative to your company's success. Below are 5 unlikely reasons why having a high-quality designer helps your business.
1. Builds trust and relationships
Nothing is more important to your business is to build and strength those relationships with your clients and your community. If you are sending out visual messages that are all over the place, people aren't going to understand what your business represents. Designers understand the importance of keeping your brand consistent so that in every aspect of their experience with your business gives the same impression of your brand.
Try to think beyond just the logo. It's also about the style, colors and energy that your brand has. If you want your brand to feel very calm and zen, a great designer will explore ways to use brand elements in a unique way to fit in your brand identity.
"A graphic designer can make sure that every aspect of your branding is consistent. That consistency builds trust and confidence among potential customers."
2. Increases viewer interaction
This probably isn't a shock to anyone, but people are more attracted to great design. If you want to stand out on social media, increase your following, or get better booking conversion rates on your website, then high-quality design is key. Your clients aren't going to spend more than a minute on your website if it isn't designed well or the user experience isn't great. A designer takes all of those user experiences into account when creating graphics, illustrations, or using photography for your business.
3. Saves you time
Do you spend hours on Canva every week creating graphics for your social media? If you hired a designer, you could have graphics that are 3x as beautiful and without any time spent by you. Wouldn't you rather be using your valuable time in working with your clients or planning more ways to bring in revenue?
Or maybe you bought a template on Etsy to create a new guide you want to promote. Well, the trouble is, you have to spend a lot of time to make that template branded to fit your business, content, and your brand. You could even wind up with something that you aren't happy with after all that time spent. Wouldn't you rather just write the content and have a designer do the rest?
Just read what Becci from Baby Sleep Cafe had to say:
"I reached out to Jenna to produce a sleep guide for my clients. What she did with my simple PDF exceeded my expectations! She literally took pretty much a blank canvas (well, I actually wrote it), and turned it into a business tool that I am so proud of. She even made thoughtful suggestions with what I had written that I was so appreciative of. I am not always super creative nor did I send her any pictures or ideas etc. to add to my guide. I asked her if she could look at my website and instagram and get a feel as to which photos would look great with what I am trying to portray in my business and she made it happen. If you have anything that needs a professional look for your business do not hesitate to use Market St. Creative. I can't wait to see what they do with my next project. Thank you so much Jenna!"
4. Saves you money (and make more money)
It seem like spending hundreds (maybe thousands) of dollars on design is a lot of money to spend on your branding. But if you don't make that investment, you could be missing out on thousands of dollars in missed opportunities with clients. Whether you are trying to attract the best clients, or underselling your services because you don't look professional enough.
Sleep consultants that understand the value of design will see the return in their investment in their business. An expert designer is going to prevent you from wasting your money and time on creating graphics that aren't true to your brand and don't meet that level of professionalism you need in the sleep consulting world. A designer will be able to create designs that draws in more clients and generates more revenue.
5. Solves your problems
Now, designers can't make your husband put their clothes away, but they can help you solve any problems you have with your business. If you are looking to expand your services or you want to start a podcast, a designer can help you look for visual and functional solutions to help you get what you need.
Designers are also looking for new and best ways to represent your business and elevate the level of client experience. You can get a lot of great insight from a designer. Maybe you need a fresh eye on how to present your sleep packages or you want to include more videos in your social media feed. Whatever it is you are looking for to elevate you brand, a designer can help you get there.
In conclusion
If you want your sleep consulting business to thrive, attract your target audience, and offer high-value services. Hiring a designer to build and elevate your brand while keeping it consistent across all of your marketing channels is key to building trust and relationships in your community. Don't waste your time and money trying to be a designer, leave that to the professional.

Need a high quality designer to elevate your brand?
or check out our pricing page to see what investment you want to make for your sleep consulting business